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Coffee TAP

Tapping into space, celebrating coffee.





Retail Design



Coffee TAP is a departure from the typical coffee drinking experience. Customarily, customers would consume coffee in a linear flow, starting at the counter, finishing with an empty coffee cup. While this streamlined process effects efficiency, it also deprives consumers from a deeper appreciation of the substance that graces their palettes. With Coffee TAP, however, the coffee consumption process is augmented.

Situated at the centre of the kiosk is a coffee bean roasting machine, a mechanism that, though present in most, if not all coffee shops, is often hidden from the consumer. The machine is semi-encased in a glass container, and occupies a prominent spot in the kiosk. The other compartments of the kiosk, namely the barista and customer areas, extend from the centrepiece, and, with its mobile walls, form a space that subverts the streamlined process aforementioned.

In doing so, Coffee TAP strives to provide a space for customers – coffee-lover or non-coffee-lover alike – to interact. The open barista area allows for demonstrations of coffee preparation, while the centrepiece, in itself, is a rare sight for the customers. After its run in, say, a city centre, the compact kiosk is designed to be easily removeable and re-located, spreading this coffee love to the next place.


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